Monday, September 24, 2012

Week Long Birthday Celebration

Sunday wrapped up Little Miss Keelies' week long birthday celebration. Boy am I exhausted! She kicked it off at her dad's house weekend before last and it just kept going. Wednesday was her actual birthday so naturally we celebrated then, with neon colored pancakes for breakfast before school, homemade chimichangas (her request) for dinner followed by her gifts from me. Saturday her and I headed to Eugene for our 2nd annual Birthday weekend Mother Daughter football game where we watched our Ducks cream Arizona 49-0. First conference game shut out since 2003!!! We Love Our Ducks! We finished the weekend off with her Duck themed party at the bowling alley Sunday! I loaded those kids up on sugar!!! From cupcakes, to the candy bar, and topped off with cake and ice cream, we will see which parents allow their kids to come next year! I spent so much time prepping for the 2 hour long party I am exhausted. This is the first time ever I made EVERYTHING from scratch, from the chocolate cake with cream cheese filling and frosting, the green and yellow vanilla cupcakes, the marshmallow fondant to make the Oregon O's and green and yellow beads around the base of the cake to the green & yellow rice krispie treat! For the candy bar decor I purchased 3 glass candle holders and painted them green and yellow and attached them to small fish bowls, picked up a few vases and glass dishes from the dollar store. I then purchased 2" Oregon circle images from Etsy and green & yellow ribbon from the craft store and put them on the glass pieces and filled with candy!!! After everything I was wore out, but when she told me it was the best party she has ever had in that moment it was all worth it! 


Now that the birthday celebration is done and over it is time to prep for hunting season!!!! Deer season 2012 starts Saturday!!! I've been counting down the days since I took my buck opening morning last year lol but seriously counting them down since 94 days! The closer it gets the more anxious I get!!!! Expect a post about opening weekend next week!!!

Till next time! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Fell Off The Blogging Bandagon, But Now Im Back!

It's been 8 months since my last real post and I have missed blogging dearly whether or not any one is actually reading them lol. I am going to try like heck to make a habit out of blogging at least once a week since hunting season is 3 weeks away and I've got big plans in the way of hunting this year! My hunting season is usually done and over within 2 months and then I spend the next 10 months going through some major withdrawals, but not any more. Besides my usual deer and elk hunting I'm adding in Fall turkey this year and if that goes well I'll hunt Spring turkey too. I am also going to try  my hand at spring bear and cougar!!!!

On my 8 month hiatus lots of things happened, got a puppy (hoping to turn her into a bird dog), took some time off and enjoyed time with little miss, had a crazy fun summer full of camping trips, one of which I am actually going to blog about because it was pretty darn cool and just enjoyed life!

Ive got big ideas and plans on the horizon so stay tuned!!!!