Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Glad It's Over

Let's just say Christmas was not my thing this year. Which is not normal at ALL. Usually I LOVE Christmas. I think with all the drama and chaos and utter disorganization that occurred this year I just had a hard time getting into the full on Christmas spirit. Despite my Scrooge type mood I did make the best of it for mini me. We baked cookies and decorated a ginger bread house as well as put up our own "girls" tree since the boys' tree was less than desirable to her. I did what I could to make it enjoyable for her and when Christmas was done and over I asked her if she had a good Christmas and with a big ol' smile she said "yes"! That's all that matters to me.

Christmas wasn't a total bust though, after opening presents at our house in the morning we spent the day with my guys' family and that is always a good time. I love his family!  I will always be thankful for the fact they make my daughter and I feel included, and that is amazing! Despite the good times and the bad moments this month has brought me I really learned who friends and family were and have weeded the ones who aren't true friends out and sadly to say after this Christmas weekend I even have to majorly distance myself from some family members. It's a sad day when that happens. But I am not going to let any of this negative energy follow me into 2012. Its a new year which is going to be a new me.

On the bright side of it all I did get myself a pretty badass Christmas gift. I finally decided it was time to quit thinking about learning to fly fish and actually do something about. I went out and bought my first fly rod and reel. Now if I only knew what in the hell I was doing. Thank god for Youtube haha, this should get interesting. If any of y'all have any pointers I would love to hear em!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The City Can Suck It

I had been looking forward to going to the city this past weekend for quiet some time. It had been almost a year since I had last been to Portland and I was starting to go through withdrawals! This was going to be the first time in over a year my guy and I had spent a weekend apart, so that was trying enough as is since I knew when it came time for bed I wasn't going to sleep that well, but I found comfort in the fact I was going to be with good friends who were almost like family, or so I thought. More on that situation in a moment. I was also secretly freaking out that I was going to come home to a disaster. Leaving 2 men, who are less than motivated to pick up after them selves, unsupervised in a house I have been working very hard to organize and clean was sure to be the end of me.

Thursday rolled around and I shipped mini me off to school for her last day before Christmas vacation and I went off to work for part of the day. Quitting time rolled around and I headed out of town grabbing little miss along the way. We were starting the 200 mile journey to the big city and at this moment I was super excited about it. I couldn't wait to get up there get a little shopping in and get some GOOD sushi which is so hard to come by around here. 1st stop when we hit the city was her dad's house since she hadn't seen him in a few months. That was bad idea #1 or at least for a few days I thought it was. Now I'm actually glad everything went down the way it did because I have eliminated some unnecessary people from my life. After leaving her dad's I was supposed to head another 45 minutes North to a friend of mines house, well after a conversation with her dad it was discovered this friend who I considered family was nothing more than a lying deceiving bitch. So I headed out in search of a decent hotel. I spent 2 nights in a damn freaking hotel, alone, not cool.

Woke up Friday thinking that it would be better than Thursday had been. It was already off to a rough start because of my lack of sleep in a super uncomfortable hotel bed without my guy. BOO. I figured some retail therapy might make me feel better. I headed for Fishermens Warehouse. I was almost positive I would cheer myself up there. I was on the hunt for a nice rod rack for the house, red power line in 30lb test, some new saltwater grade bombers for striper season coming up, and some 1/2 ounce pink rooster tails. Fishermens Warehouse ended up being a HUGE disappointment, they only had my power line. So I was 1 for 4. Next stop was what used to be the Sportsmans Warehouse and is now something like Wholesale Sports or some shit like that. It turned out to be strike 2 with nothing I was after.  What in the hell is going on here. I was sure a big city would have what I wanted but it had almost NOTHING. Of course I found things I liked so I got them but absolutely nothing I needed. Grrrr. It only got worse from there. As I get out to my truck the guy next to me rolls down his window and says "Sorry but I ran into your truck when I was pulling in". HOLY SHIT are you kidding me? At this point I have had it with the city and the shit going on, I wanted to dive through his window and strangle the dude. Instead I acted more responsibly, got his information and called on it right then, no way was I letting this guy out of my sight without having verified his insurance was legit. After all with my luck he would have left and everything he gave me would have been bogus. After that fiasco I decided I was done with the city. I remembered why I only came up once a flipping year. Let me tell you what I am in no way eager to go back up there. Shit the guided fishing trip I bought on the Columbia up there I'm about to have refunded back because I don't want to go any where near that god forsaken hell hole.

I am so glad I decided before going up there to only stay until Saturday because if I had to spend one more day up there chances were I would have committed homicide. That would not have been good. The only good thing that came out of it was a conversation I had with my Ex's dad which unfortunately I have to keep hush hush about for now and that my daughter got to have a mini Christmas with her dad. But lord was I happier than a clam at high tide when I finally got back home! I dropped my daughter at the babysitters, picked up my boyfriend and we headed for our friends' Christmas party!

Saturday was very much needed after the hell I had been through. It was about a 25 mile drive up the river to our friends place and along the way what runs out in the road, a coyote!!!! He dodged up an old dirt road and we took off after him, ran him quiet a ways trying to tire him out and get a chance at a good shot. Well he most definitely got tired but we never got a chance at a good shot because the road was so bumpy. We finally rounded a corner and he had a clearing to dart of into. Bummer. But the chase was fun. We turned around and headed back up the river. Spending the night with a good group of friends, drinking, bull shitting, and belting out songs like friends in low places and boot scoot boogie in a giant group huddle was exactly what I needed. There is nothing better than a down home redneck party!! And were doing it again NYE this time at my house! Watch out were going to rock the neighbor hood!

Lures and Love

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Getting Into The Spirit The Redneck Way

Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year! Usually the day after Thanksgiving Ive already got my decorations up and the Christmas music going. Not the case this year. I was moving during the last 2 weeks of November and it was chaos. So needless to stay I'm still getting decorations up as I find them. This year I decided I wanted to have a real tree again. They are so much pretty than an artificial one and smell amazing. Well seeing as how my roommate is a logger he said he would bring one home out of the woods. AWESOME. Well that didn't turn out quiet like I had hoped. And I should have known better seeing as how when I moved in his tree from last year was on the kitchen table still and it was definitely one Charlie Brown would have been proud of. I procrastinated for a few days on saying anything or doing anything with it until the boys took the situation into their own hands.

Last years Charlie Brown tree. I'm still amazed all the needles were still intact

The burning of last years tree

This years tree

We had a BBQ with friends this weekend at our house and at one point the beer supply ran out so I ran to the store to stock up on some more. Bad idea. Do not EVER under any circumstance leave those boys unsupervised when they have been consuming alcohol. I came home to the tree which I was more than sure wasn't even going to fit in the stand because it was so small, in the stand, and fully decorated. In the kitchen none the less. While I was gone they dug through the totes in the garage and found the lights and my ornaments and went to town. Of course though not without their own touches. When I walked into the house I was speechless. I didn't know whether to laugh because the tree I must say is pretty damn awesome or be pissed because they broke some ornaments in their intoxicated adventure. I ended up laughing, how could I not. They were standing there admiring their work and just the looks on their faces when they saw me come in was priceless. I actually kind of love it but that's the redneck in me. Mini me on the other hand was less than impressed when she woke up the next morning. The 1st words out of her mouth were "What is that"? I Couldn't help but laugh and explain to her what the boys decided to do the night before. She knowing them both all to well just rolled her eyes, shook her head and told me "That's not what I had in mind for our tree mom". Again I was laughing. The things this kid says sometimes crack me up. I promised her I would pull out the fake tree and we'd go buy some new pink and sparkly ornaments just so she could have a tree she wanted. Needless to say this year we have His and Her trees!

The boys pride and joy

His and Hers

And to think I'm leaving the boys unsupervised this weekend while I head to the city for some much needed time away from our sleepy little town. Im terrified to see what the house looks like when I come back.

Here's to another round

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tis The Season If Your 21

I love this time of year! Went to my first Christmas party of the year this weekend! It was my works' party and it was a good time, I work with a bunch of awesome girls! We all brought our significant others and booze, and had an awesome dinner! My bottle was a huge hit I've already had people asking me to make them a batch of their own. I thought I would share the recipe with y'all too since it is TO DIE FOR. I kid you not I could probably drink the entire 2 gallons the recipe makes but it would probably not end well for me since its made with a 190 proof grain alcohol.

Apple Pie

1 gallon apple juice
1 gallon apple cider
6 cinnamon sticks
3 C. sugar
750 ml (a fifth) of 190 proof grain alcohol like ever clear or clear springs

In a large stock pot (i used our crab cooker) combine the juice, cider, cinnamon sticks and sugar. Bring to a rolling boil stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. Let cool completely. Once cooled add your bottle of alcohol. Bottle into desired containers. I used the jugs the juice and cider came in but made sure to inform everyone in my house that it was not what the jug said it was.

I kid you not it tastes just like apple pie filling!!! We have managed to polish off a little more than a gallon of it so far so I think I will be making more in the very near future!

I officially started my Holiday baking yesterday! Every year I bake tons of different goodies and give them away to friends and family. I managed to make 4 different types of cookies and a southern bread pudding yesterday! The cookies of course are amazing! But the bread pudding is my absolute favorite! I brought in a plate of goodies to the shop today and the girls favorite is the bread pudding too! I would eat the entire thing if I could without feeling guilty but I would probably have to run a marathon afterwards and that is not happening.

Southern Bread Pudding


2 cups granulated sugar

  • 5 large beaten eggs
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 3 cups cubed french bread, allow to sit out overnight or bake in an oven to dry it out
  • 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 1 1/2 cup chopped glazed pecans

      For the sauce:

  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1 T. brown sugar
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup your favorite whiskey/bourbon


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 13x9x2 inch pan. Place cubed bread into pan.

In a medium bowl mix together granulated sugar, eggs, and milk in a bowl; add vanilla. Pour over cubed bread and let sit for 20 minutes.

In another bowl, mix together brown sugar, butter, and pecans.

Sprinkle brown sugar mixture over the top and bake for 40 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean.

For bourbon glaze sauce:

Mix the granulated sugar, butter, egg, brown sugar, and vanilla in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir together until the sugar is melted and slightly thickened. Remove from heat and add the bourbon, stirring well. Pour over bread pudding. Best served warm! 

Ive also put raisins in it and it was pretty good but since I was giving it out to people I opted to not put the raisins in since not everyone digs em.

Loads of love and sugar!