Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Glad It's Over

Let's just say Christmas was not my thing this year. Which is not normal at ALL. Usually I LOVE Christmas. I think with all the drama and chaos and utter disorganization that occurred this year I just had a hard time getting into the full on Christmas spirit. Despite my Scrooge type mood I did make the best of it for mini me. We baked cookies and decorated a ginger bread house as well as put up our own "girls" tree since the boys' tree was less than desirable to her. I did what I could to make it enjoyable for her and when Christmas was done and over I asked her if she had a good Christmas and with a big ol' smile she said "yes"! That's all that matters to me.

Christmas wasn't a total bust though, after opening presents at our house in the morning we spent the day with my guys' family and that is always a good time. I love his family!  I will always be thankful for the fact they make my daughter and I feel included, and that is amazing! Despite the good times and the bad moments this month has brought me I really learned who friends and family were and have weeded the ones who aren't true friends out and sadly to say after this Christmas weekend I even have to majorly distance myself from some family members. It's a sad day when that happens. But I am not going to let any of this negative energy follow me into 2012. Its a new year which is going to be a new me.

On the bright side of it all I did get myself a pretty badass Christmas gift. I finally decided it was time to quit thinking about learning to fly fish and actually do something about. I went out and bought my first fly rod and reel. Now if I only knew what in the hell I was doing. Thank god for Youtube haha, this should get interesting. If any of y'all have any pointers I would love to hear em!

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