Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Maybe It's The Weather

I love fall and all it has to offer! The weather (most of the time), Halloween (my favorite holiday), Salmon season on the river, Deer and Elk Season, and my favorite part of my wardrobe, boots, hoodies, and jeans!!!

The last few days I've kind of been in a rut, and not the kind of rut where bucks let down their guard and act like an idiot and run wild in the day time so they can try and score a piece of tail! I'm talking in a gloomy, moody, I need some drastic change in my life rut. Id much rather be in the other kind of rut though LOL.

Usually when I get like this as I do every fall for some reason, which has got to be due to the dreary weather that I beg for all of September so I can have a better chance at harvesting a deer I make physical changes. Well Ive already chopped about 4" off of my hair and dyed it dark a week ago so can't really change that. I mean I could I could go pixie short and bright pink but that is definitely not happening. I'm in the mood for tattoos and piercings. Ive got 6 tattoos already and 1 piercing other than my ears and I feel like more. I think piercings are a smarter prospect as they can easily be taken out but I LOVE tattoos and I am ready to start a 1/4 sleeve. I want it to be girly yet reveal who I am. How do I incorporate hunting, fishing, horses, lace, and pink into a girly tattoo??? If any of you who read this happen to be a good artist throw me some ideas! There is only 1 problem to this whole wanting a tattoo though, my artist lives in freaking Texas. That's a long ass ways away. Gives me a good excuse for a trip to my favorite place in the world! But it also makes the ink that much more expensive. Maybe it's time to find an artist closer to home. Hmmmm.

In the mean time though I just arraigned an appointment to add some more holes to my ears. I'm hoping this helps me get out of my funk and stop wanting to change things. Because quiet honestly I am itching to move back towards the city. That is not the best idea. A. I know I will hate it once I do it, B. No way my guy would ever live there, C. If I want to go hunting, fishing, or 4x4ing  Ive got quiet a ways to drive for anything decent.

Oooooh maybe some online retail therapy will perk me up. This girl needs some new binos!

Dreaming of some leupold gold ring,

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